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Razdoblje valjanosti započinje kada se SIM kartica poveže s bilo kojom podržanom mrežom
Инстантна испорака - Подготвено за користење - Претплатен - Без договор
Овој eSIM е наменет само за употреба со податоци и не вклучува телефонски број.
Едноставно скенирајте го QR-кодот за да го преземете и активирате eSIM. Не е потребна дополнителна регистрација или активација.
Валидноста започнува кога ќе го преземете eSIM-от на вашиот уред и ќе се поврзете на мрежата.
Еднократен претплатен пакет. Без автоматско обновување, без договор.
Максимална брзина на податоци – Без дневни ограничувања, без намалување на брзината. Поддржан hotspot.
Достапноста на 5G зависи од покриеноста на мрежата, спецификациите на уредот и поставките на телефонот. Ако 5G не е достапен, eSIM обезбедува висококвалитетна 4G врска.
Може да се користи само со отклучени паметни телефони и таблети кои поддржуваат eSIM. Ако не сте сигурни, проверете ја секцијата со Најчесто поставувани прашања (FAQ).
Карактеристики на Roafly eSIM за Исланд:
Политика за фер користење: Нашите планови не вклучуваат неограничени податоци. Мрежните оператори го задржуваат правото да ја ограничат брзината на податоците кога ќе се достигне лимитот.
За користење на eSIM, потребен е компатибилен уред. По купувањето, QR-кодот за eSIM веднаш ќе биде испратен на вашата е-пошта со инструкции за инсталација.
По инсталацијата, веднаш можете да започнете со користење на eSIM во вашата дестинација. Валидноста на eSIM започнува од денот на активацијата.
Купете Roafly eSIM за Исланд и избегнете високи трошоци за роаминг додека уживате во брза и стабилна интернет конекција во Исланд.
Ovaj eSIM pruža samo pristup podacima. Upućivanje telefonskih poziva ili slanje SMS poruka nije moguće. Za komunikaciju možete koristiti aplikacije kao što su WhatsApp ili Skype.
Provjerite je li vaš telefon otključan i podržava eSIM tehnologiju.
Instalirajte eSIM prije putovanja, ali nemojte aktivirati podatkovni plan dok ne stignete na odredište.
Možete zvati i slati poruke svim svojim WhatsApp kontaktima kao da ste u istoj državi. Ostanite povezani s obitelji i prijateljima.
Ako ste u žurbi ili već putujete, nećete morati čekati da se vaš eSIM isporuči. Vaš eSIM se generira odmah.
Korištenje eSIM-a je jednostavno, ali ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja ili trebate tehničku podršku, možete nas kontaktirati putem e-pošte ili na našoj liniji za korisničku podršku uživo 24/7. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Možete dijeliti svoje podatke s obitelji, prijateljima ili drugim putnicima. Možete stvoriti WiFi mrežu sa svojim pametnim telefonom i povezati više uređaja.
Više nema potrebe tražiti WiFi dok putujete. Zahvaljujući ovoj aplikaciji 👍🏽 Brzo i jednostavno
Koristio sam je za svoj odmor u Italiji. Aplikacija je ekonomična i praktična, genijalna ideja
Imao sam problema s eSIM-ovima prije, ali postavljanje Roamflyja je vrlo jednostavno i pruža neprekidan internet posvuda
Pomogla mi je da se snalazim u inozemstvu tijekom svojih putovanja između različitih zemalja!!!
Sve je bilo prilično jasno i lako razumljivo. Usluga je ispunila moja očekivanja i bio sam zadovoljan. Cijena se čini prilično razumnom u usporedbi s konkurencijom, pogotovo s obzirom na kvalitetu pružene usluge.
Jednostavno i besprijekorno postavljanje. Kvalitetna usluga. Nisam imao nikakvih problema tijekom cijelog putovanja.
Instalirao sam je prije putovanja i aktivirao je kada sam sletio u Francusku. Nisam imao nikakvih problema. Sve upute su već dostupne u aplikaciji. Postavljanje je bilo jednostavno. Koristio sam referentni kod za popust od 3 USD. Ponovno ću je koristiti.
An eSIM, or embedded SIM, is the modern successor to traditional SIM cards. Unlike physical SIM cards, an eSIM is built directly into your device, allowing you to download and switch carrier profiles without needing a physical SIM. This means no more losing tiny SIM cards or fumbling with paperclips to change them. Simply put, eSIM technology streamlines your mobile experience, making it easier and more convenient to stay connected, especially when traveling.
To set up your Roafly eSIM, make sure you're connected to Wi-Fi first. We suggest installing and activating your eSIM shortly before you leave for your trip. Although it's possible to activate your eSIM after you've arrived at your destination, remember that a Wi-Fi connection is necessary for the setup. This ensures you're connected and ready to go the moment you land.
It allows travelers to seamlessly connect to local networks without the hassle of physical SIM cards. For travel companies, offering eSIM services means a chance to deepen customer relationships by providing a valuable, branded digital experience. With the widespread availability of eSIM technology and changing roaming charge dynamics, eSIMs offer a cost-effective, convenient solution for staying connected abroad. Roafly leverages these advantages to ensure our customers enjoy the best possible connectivity during their travels.
Roafly eSIM plans come with a specific data limit and validity period. If you exhaust your data before your plan's expiry date, your internet access will be paused. Likewise, when the validity period ends, so does your access, regardless of data usage. But don't worry! You can easily top up or purchase a new plan directly through the Roafly app to continue enjoying uninterrupted service. This way, you're never left without a connection when you need it most.
The number of eSIM profiles you can store simultaneously depends on your device. Some devices, like the latest iPhone models, allow for multiple profiles to be stored, but only one can be active at a time. Dual SIM devices enable you to use a physical SIM and an eSIM concurrently. Roafly's service is designed to be flexible, allowing you to switch between stored eSIM profiles easily, ensuring you always have access to the best local data deals.
Absolutely! You can configure your device to use your SIM card for traditional phone services like calls and SMS, while using Roafly's eSIM for data services. This setup is perfect for travelers who want to stay connected abroad without incurring roaming charges for data use. However, remember that keeping your SIM card active for calls and texts might lead to roaming charges from your home provider, so it's wise to check their policies before your trip.
What does “unlocked phone” mean?
An unlocked phone isn't restricted to a specific carrier's network, meaning it can connect to any carrier. This is crucial for using eSIMs, as you need to switch to different networks without physical SIM swaps. A locked phone, however, is tied to a specific carrier's network, usually as part of a contract.
How to check if your phone is unlocked:
My phone is unlocked. Can I use eSIMs?
If your phone is unlocked and supports eSIM technology, you're all set to use Roafly eSIMs. Enjoy the convenience of switching to local networks wherever you travel, without the hassle of physical SIM cards. Our eSIM plans are designed to keep you connected in over 190 countries, ensuring you always have access to the best local rates for your data needs.
Check Compatibility: First, make sure your iPhone model supports eSIM technology. Most newer iPhone models do, but it's always a good idea to confirm.
Regarding the use of your Roafly eSIM on multiple devices, it's important to note that once an eSIM is installed and activated on one device, it cannot be transferred to another device. This is a standard security and operational measure across most eSIM services, including Roafly's, to ensure a consistent and secure connection for the user. Therefore, carefully select the device on which you wish to use your Roafly eSIM. If you need to switch your eSIM to another device in the future, contacting Roafly customer support for assistance would be the best course of action.
Choosing an eSIM like Roafly's for your iPhone can significantly streamline your travel experience by providing easy access to data services in over 190 countries. This guide ensures you can confidently activate your eSIM and enjoy uninterrupted connectivity on your travels.
At Roafly, we prioritize the security of our customers and strive to provide a safe shopping environment. While we typically do not require documentation for purchasing an eSIM, we reserve the right to request additional identity verification for transactions that our payment gateway flags as suspicious or potentially fraudulent. This process may involve submitting a government-issued ID or passport to confirm your identity. We handle all personal information securely in accordance with our privacy policy. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in these instances to help us maintain the security and integrity of our transactions.
For any questions or concerns about this process, please contact our customer support team at
Roafly eSIM plans are designed primarily for internet roaming services. Therefore, you cannot use the Roafly eSIM data plan for voice calls or text messaging services. Our eSIM ensures you stay connected with seamless internet access while traveling, focusing on providing you with the best data experience abroad.
A Local Plan is an eSIM option tailored for travelers visiting a single country. It offers data services valid only within the destination country, providing a cost-effective solution for your connectivity needs. If your itinerary is limited to one country, opting for a Local Plan ensures you have access to data services throughout your stay.
A Regional Plan is ideal for travelers whose journeys span multiple countries within a specific region. These eSIM plans offer data coverage across several countries, allowing you seamless connectivity as you move from one country to another within the designated region. Before purchasing, we recommend checking the Roafly app for the list of countries covered by our Regional Plans.
Global Plans are designed for the adventurous traveler covering multiple countries or regions. With a Global Plan, you get widespread data coverage across various countries, ensuring you're always connected, regardless of how diverse your travel itinerary is. Check the Roafly app to see the extensive list of countries where our Global Plans are valid.
Yes, Roafly eSIM plans can be refunded if there are technical issues that we cannot resolve. If you encounter a technical issue, we will first provide you with a new eSIM. Refund requests must be submitted within thirty (30) days from the purchase date if activation becomes impossible despite thorough troubleshooting efforts. We strongly recommend verifying your device's compatibility with eSIM technology before making a purchase to avoid any inconvenience.
Your data plan starts once you arrive at your destination and connect to a supported network.
After purchasing your eSIM, you will immediately receive a confirmation email containing the QR code and manual setup information. These details are also accessible via our website and mobile app.
Yes, you can keep your WhatsApp number without any additional steps. Your existing number, contacts, and conversations will be retained automatically.
Roafly eSIM supports 5G depending on your region. Where 5G is unavailable, high-quality 4G or LTE connections are provided.
Yes. To ensure your eSIM gets the best coverage, you must enable data roaming in your device's mobile settings. This will not incur any additional charges.
Yes, Roafly eSIM plans support hotspot usage and data sharing.
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